Sunday, July 12, 2015

Donald Trump's Nativist, Neo-Fascist, Hate-filled Attack on Mexicans Ends Today #Mextasy

My Mexican-American father took bullets and shapnel from Nazis in France, whilst my Mexican/Mexican-American mother repaired fighter planes in Corpus Christi, Texas, during WW II so that this neo-fascist, money-worshiping, draft-dodging* blowhard would have the right to open up his demented piehole with his anti-Mexican bullshit. Tapping into the darkest corner of the American soul, his rantings are laying the groundwork for a subterranean nativist orgasm of hate (not for nothing that he focuses on rape) that puts Mexicans, Mexican-Americans, and Latinas/os in danger. #nomextasy #mextasy

Watch Mextasy TV for more... SOON!

Be sure to read Gustavo Arellano's piece in on el Rey Feo...
